Friday, 3 February 2017

February Kindergarten News

February Kindergarten News

Dear Families,

Our themes for the month of January were “Winter” and “Snowmen”.  Following these themes we will focus on the theme of “Friendship” for Valentine’s Day and “Colours”.

Our Valentine’s Day party will take place on Tuesday, February 14th.  If you are willing to send in a snack for the Valentine’s Party, please fill in the attached form and send it back to school with your child, or email me at and let me know what you are able to send.
 Students are welcome to bring in Valentine cards if they wish to do so beginning on Tuesday, February 7th.  Your child is welcome to just fill in the “from” part of the card with their name if they would like.  This will help with the delivery of Valentines.  However, a class list is attached if your child would like to fill in the “to” part as well.  If your child decides to bring in Valentines, please talk with them about making one for ALL students in our class to ensure nobody feels left out.  Thank you!

We will celebrate 100 Day on Tuesday, February 21st.  We will focus on the number 100 through a number of fun learning centers.

We will celebrate “I Love To Read” week at Sansome School next week.  There will be many exciting activities happening to celebrate the love of reading. Please see the February Sansome School Blog ( highlighting the various activities scheduled for this week, beginning with “Melting Monday” where your child can dress in “summer” clothing (check out the info on the school Blog).

**Take note that there are 4 more days coming up before Spring Break where there will be no school:
Friday, February 3rd - professional development day
Monday, February 20th- Louis Riel Day,
Friday, February 24th – administration day   and
Friday, March 17th – student led conferences

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me!

Alison Frye

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